Life Mental Health

Consenting Adults

I experienced my first post-Covid hug recently, and let me tell you, it was probably the best hug of my life.  Really.  And yes, if you’ve been reading this blog, I know what you’re thinking.  Did she really just say she enjoyed the hug?  She who doesn’t want pandemic era social norms and physical distancing …

Life Yoga

Cultural Appropriation

Before we start, I want you to take a moment and consider something.  Were you triggered by the image that I used?  Was it hard to read those words, “White women killed yoga”??  It’s okay if that title isn’t sitting well with you — but let’s sit with that discomfort for a minute to find …

Life Yoga

Transitions are hard!

I began teaching a new style of yoga just after the new year, and while the differences were minor, it was pointed out to me by several students that the transitions were what stood out to them.  The number of them, the difficulty level, the energy required, and the overall challenge. When I was learning …


What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?  Well, to answer that, let’s actually back it up a step and answer what it ISN’T:   Yoga is not handstands and contorting your body and limbs into awkward shapes.   Yoga is not just for (young, female, thin, flexible, white etc.) people.   Yoga is not just exercise. Yoga is not a religion. Yoga …


Ashtanga Vs Vinyasa Yoga

New year, new yoga!   For the majority of you reading this, vinyasa yoga is what you have been practicing with me for the last (almost) 2 years.  During that time my personal practice has shifted primarily to Ashtanga yoga.  I have slipped bits and pieces into our classes here and there but it’s beginning to …