I began writing this before the school year started. Before the mindfulness series ended. I wanted to have a post ready to share about transitions because I’ve been thinking about them a lot lately. And they are hard. And I wanted to share ways to help ease the transition into this particular school year. I wanted to offer reminders to those who may be struggling with whatever changes are going on their life right now.

As it turned out, I needed to take my own advice. Remind myself of these things as I was struggling with the school year transition amongst many other unexpected changes and events. Next week I’ll share my own personal experience. And I promise you, it’s not pretty. It’s raw, and real, and it’s life. It’s sticky and messy and unpredictable.

But first, the pretty part. The idealistic part that sounds like a great plan until you have to implement it amidst chaos and emotions and clouded vision and spinning thoughts….


I have been thinking a LOT lately about transitions.  In every sense of the word.  

Physical transitions from pose to pose in the classes I’m teaching.  And not just the big, energetic transitions like jump backs and jump throughs, but even the smaller ones like moving from a grounded standing posture into a balancing pose on one leg.  

Seasonal changes and what that means for the projects I have going on at home (inside AND outside) as well as how to continue teaching classes in a way that is conducive to ALL of my students.  Even thinking about what projects I want to work on this fall so that I can offer appropriate workshops in the winter and spring.  

The idea for the entire 10 Days of Mindfulness Series was created in the middle of this summer in an effort for me to mitigate the effects of the school year transition for myself (and hopefully for those who participated).  I used the time I spent in June and July practicing the techniques and ideas that I wanted to teach.  It was a great way to “force” myself to do the daily practices and create my own habit.  To prepare myself for the transition that I am now in the middle of.  To build up my arsenal and fill my toolbox.

Oh, and the kids.  The transition to THIS school year in particular is an unusual transition.  With more challenges and more unknowns than most years.  It’s always a rough time of year and we try to lay low through all of September just to let their nervous systems adjust.  Not only that but my husband and I *attempted* to prepare them just as I was trying to prepare myself.  We had a few family meetings.  We talked about flexibility and resiliency and to be prepared for changes.  We even adopted a family theme song.  It makes them laugh and dance and be silly, but it also reminds them to “Bounce Back!”  I’m not saying they shouldn’t also have feelings about what they are experiencing or that they shouldn’t express those feelings (in appropriate ways), BUT when something unexpected happens or doesn’t go your way, eventually you need to look at what has happened, reframe your perspective, and figure out a way to adjust and carry on.  Move forward. 

That part right there.  That sticky middle part is the transition.  And it’s the hardest part.  It’s like yoga.  You can be in a pose and hold it for several breaths.  You might make micro-adjustments with your body to fix your alignment, it may start to “burn” after a while, but you can just BE there.  And you can BE in the next posture the same way.  BUT it’s how you MOVE (*cough* transition *cough*) between the two that may cause some strife.  You may wobble.  You may lose your balance.  You might go too quickly and fall over.  Does that mean you should stay on the floor in a puddle?  Stuck in the transition?  NO!  Get up.  Dust yourself off and find a new way, a new path into the next pose.  Find a new way forward and perhaps remember that transition the next time so you can be more careful.  Pause.  Take a breath to prepare.  Take your time.  Move with grace.