Well, it depends on how much time and effort you put in to set yourself up for success!!!

I started this blog a year ago.  For the last 52 weeks I have managed to post something every 7 days.  I’m not sure that was even the goal.  I wanted to create the habit of writing.  I wanted to share a few things about yoga that I can never manage to express in a 60 minute asana  (movement) class.  And hence, here we are.  If you have read all of these posts (or most of them anyway), I appreciate your time and attention. 

Many of you have reached out over the last year when a particular post was meaningful for you.  I have loved those conversations the most.  Sharing personal things for me is never easy, but hearing what resonates for you and knowing that I’m not alone in my struggles has been comforting.  

It’s also probably what kept me writing even when I felt like I didn’t have much to say.  

And this leads me right into the purpose of this post.  Creating and maintaining habits.  With a lot of us thinking about the new year approaching, and perhaps with it a few “resolutions” I wanted to re-share my tips on goal setting and creating habits.  These tips may be especially useful if you are looking to create or restart that yoga practice you’ve been meaning to get to……hint, hint.

  1. Have a plan
  2. Set small, manageable, measurable goals 
  3. Create a schedule and a space to accomplish each small goal
  4. Have larger goals in mind that the smaller ones help you accomplish
  5. Be consistent (same time/day, same place, every time).
  6. Find an accountability buddy
  7. Celebrate the small victories along the way
  8. Give yourself grace

This blog is a perfect example.  I had no real agenda in mind, I just wanted to create the habit. 

I set the goal of writing a new post each week but I didn’t set a requirement on content, the number of words, etc.  One post, each week.  That was it.

In the beginning I ALWAYS wrote on Saturday mornings.  I’m not sure why I picked that day, but it worked.  And I stuck with it.  Even if I didn’t feel especially motivated or verbose at the assigned time.

Once I started getting feedback, I then had MANY accountability buddies keeping me company.

Around Thanksgiving and with the holidays approaching I really wanted to give myself some grace, and take a few weeks off.  However, I was remotivated when I got a notification on my phone that episode #42 of my husband’s podcast had been released.  Episode #42?!?! He seemd right on track to keep his goal of releasing one podcast episode per week during 2021 — and I couldn’t “fail” in my goal if he was so close to accomplishing his! I knew I had to push forward and keep up with the weekly posts until the end of the year.  Nothing like a little competition between husband and wife to keep me writing 😉

And I will absolutely celebrate the 52 posts in 52 weeks AND give myself some grace and practice a little self care — by taking the month of January off!

Don’t worry, I have TONS of ideas for 2022 and there will be more to come starting in February. Until then, Happy New Year and thank you for reading!