I disagree. Whole-heartedly, 100 percent disagree with that statement. No matter what you filled in that blank with. You CAN practice yoga. In whatever body you have, wherever you are on your journey, there is a yoga practice that is right for you.

I know that you all don’t believe me when I say that yoga isn’t about being flexible, or contorting into pretzel-like shapes, or doing challenging inversions and arm balances.

And I know you don’t believe me, because you have probably noticed that my particular body CAN do a lot of these things.

And I know that’s what you see on social media.

And I know that’s what the general perception is.

I also know that MOST people aren’t hyper-mobile like me (or the actual istagram famous MODELS — showcasing poses by the way, not practicing yoga).

And herein lies the problem. I want to share yoga with everyone who will listen, but I don’t have a body that says, “hey, I know what you are going through. I know how this feels.” However, I have spent a great deal of time getting into the beginner’s mindset. Watching people move. Listening to their description of THEIR experience. Making adjustments and offering modifcations so that people can experience the INTENTION of a posture or shape, no matter what it happens to look like on the outside.

I’m working. I’m trying. I’m asking questions. And I’m learning and growing more and more each day with the help of my students and my husband. Again this week, I invite you to re-read these two posts from earlier in the year that I think capture my process over the past few months creating the new Yoga Where You Are course:

A Beginner’s Mindset

My Husband Is Better Than Your Husband