Periods and yoga — bear with me — I promise this relates to self care:

Ladies, have you ever considered changing your workout routines based on your menstrual cycle? I’m a little embarrassed to admit that it took me until VERY recently to heed the advice of many yogic traditions. It is generally said that women should not practice yoga during the first few heavy flow days of their cycle. My attitude regarding this idea has been to power through anyway and not be told by some thousand year old renunciate what I can or cannot do with my body or what I am capable of.

What I learned after doing a little experiment over the past few months however, is that these ideas and beliefs are intended to HELP and SUPPORT women.  They allow us the time and space to rest and take care of ourselves (there’s that self-care part). By avoiding intense physical practices during the first 2-3 days of my cycle, my periods have gotten shorter and my normal moderate to severe cramping has been practically eliminated.

This can also apply to ANY intense physical practice, whatever your exercise regime includes — not simply yoga.  Just something to consider as another great way to take care of yourself.

If you are interested in more information:

This video is a wonderful explanation of the intention behind the tradition (and no, it’s not so suppress women!)  Be sure to watch the whole thing (it’s about 3-4 minutes long).This article is great too:…/