This blog has been a long time in the making, but the name (Wheeling East) has been the title since its inception and references many key details of who I am and what I love.
I am a Nebraska native who became an East Coast transplant in my late 20s. My love for yoga over the past ten years has been a journey and an education in not just the physical practice, but in yoga philosophy, history, and eastern culture.
Wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana) is a physical shape that has taught me innumerable and invaluable life lessons on this path and continues to teach me new things every single day. I have a love / hate relationship with this pose (and its many variations), and it is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite posutre. I dread it, while at the same time I am looking forward to the challenge, and what it will offer me every time I step on to my mat.
This blog will (hopefully) be a place to share what I have learned so far, and also be a place to connect and discuss. I hope that those of you reading feel free to challenge my ideas and understanding of the world so that I too can learn and grow.